
BIM (Building information modelling) is currently the most advanced way to plan, execute, and manage investment projects while increasing productivity and optimising construction processes.

The BIM process

Project task
BIM implementation plan (BIP)
A common data environment
Monitoring of planning
Management of models
Detection of conflicts

Project task

Providing support and advice during the preparation of the client’s requirements for applying BIM planning to the project (objectives of the BIM approach, technical and managerial requirements, modelling guidelines, quality control, and data exchange).

BIM implementation plan (BIP)

A plan for implementing a BIM approach based on the client’s information requirements, which includes both the planning and the management of staff, processes, and technology. All developed protocols follow international standards.

A common data environment

We use a dedicated project server for organised collaboration in the modelling process and for coordination between different areas of expertise, as well as to hand over files to the client. This ensures a transparent and traceable record of the project’s development.


We offer support with the creation of 3D models in the Open BIM approach and the preparation of visualisations. In cooperation with the investor and the engineer, we determine the necessary level of sophistication of the BIM models and the required attribute tables.


We offer support with the production and visualisation of construction schedules to demonstrate the feasibility of the project and the timeframe for construction. We develop protocols for monitoring construction with BIM models.


We provide support in the creation of 5D BIM models, and in the valuation of quantities based on BIM models. We develop a financial plan, as well as an analysis and optimisation of financial resources according to different construction scenarios.

Monitoring of planning

We support the creation of a single coordinating BIM model for each discipline, and check for consistency between the models and the project documentation at key project milestones.

Management of models

The 3D management models produced verify the geometric consistency of the design solutions and the model data. This is then followed by an analysis of BIP aspects.

Detection of conflicts

By detecting potential conflicts and other inconsistencies between models early in the design process, we raise the quality level of design solutions. We offer the support needed to detect and resolve all potential conflicts.

Our BIM services

Preparation of the terms of reference for the implementation of the BIM approach

Providing support/advice during the preparation of the client’s requirements for applying BIM planning to the project (objectives of the BIM approach, technical and managerial requirements, modelling guidelines, quality control and data exchange).

Planning and management of BIM approach

A plan for implementing a BIM approach based on the client’s information requirements, which includes both the planning and the management of staff, processes, and technology. The whole process is managed through a common IT environment.


Clients receive professional and organisational support throughout the BIM process, from the idea to the commissioning of the built object. We propose the use of the BIM approach at the tender stage to identify any potential risks.

Use of a Common Data Environment (CDE)

To manage the project efficiently and effectively, we have developed our own Common Data Environment (CDE) for data collection, data management, and communication between participants. For this purpose, we also use the open BIM standards IFC and BCF.


We provide training courses for our clients through which we present the entire process of introducing BIM into work processes, from the preparation of a BIM implementation plan to project planning and project management in a BIM environment.

Advantages of BIM design

Own database of building blocks for modelling roads and railroads
Own solutions for a common data environment (CDE)
Project management in BIM (information upgrade)
Semi-automatic recognition of building blocks of existing built infrastructure from the cloud points (InfraCloud)
An upgraded »open source« project portal that forms its own CDE (InproBIM)
Ongoing research and development of the BIM-process for infrastructure

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